White Gingerlily Hydrating Body Mist 7 oz

$ 24.99


White Gingerlily Hydrating Body Mist 7 oz

$ 24.99

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Reward your skin with a refreshing spritz of amazing pure leaf water naturally rich in powerful anti - oxidants. Skin is protected and deeply hydrated by a synergistic blend of fresh tropical leaves. Hydrosols are aromatherapy products which are co-produced with essential oils during steam distillation of plant material. Hydrosols are the hydrophyllic or water-soluble constituents of the plant and essential oils are the lipophyllic or oil-soluble parts of the plant. When distillation is complete, the essential oil and hydrosol emerge separated with the essential oil floating on top of the hydrosol. Skin appearance is strictly related to water retention. As time goes by, skin becomes thinner, and looks aged because it retains less water and its collagen and elastin content decreases. With continuous water replenishment throughout the day, skin remains plump and healthy-looking. Pure Fiji presents White Gingerlily Infusion: An alluring floral, the White Gingerlily has been used in traditional healing and medicine for thousands of years, and is known for its soothing and calming properties. An exotic, native lily with a touch of ginger. Spray on body after showering and during the day as required. TIP: A refreshing mist for hair and body!