Nail Lacquer Cosmo-Not Tonight Honey! 0.5 oz

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$ 12.00
  • Nail Lacquer Cosmo-Not Tonight Honey! 0.5 oz
Nail Lacquer Cosmo-Not Tonight Honey! 0.5 oz Nail Lacquer Cosmo-Not Tonight Honey! 0.5 oz


Nail Lacquer Cosmo-Not Tonight Honey! 0.5 oz

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$ 12.00

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  • Make “space” for this pale gold touch of starshine. NL R58.

    The best selling brand in the industry!

    OPI Nail Lacquer provides exceptional formula, fashionable colors and iconic shade names. OPI’s heavily-pigmented lacquers are super rich, long-lasting, and chip-resistant – offering an affordable luxury to consumers.

    Follow these steps for a mani that lasts:

    1. Start by applying OPI Base Coat to clean, dry nails with cuticles pushed back.
    2. For a perfect polish, apply one stroke of nail lacquer down the center of the nail, followed by one stroke along each side of the nail.
    3. Then apply a second coat of nail lacquer, pulling color over the tips of the nails.
    4. Shine, seal, and protect with one coat of OPI Top Coat, pulling it over the tips of the nails.
    5. For a mani that's dry to the touch in minutes, apply 2 drops of DripDry Lacquer Drying Drops to each nail.