Dei Colli Fiorentini Iris Sensual Soap 8.8 oz

$ 12.99
  • Dei Colli Fiorentini Iris Sensual Soap 8.8 oz


Dei Colli Fiorentini Iris Sensual Soap 8.8 oz

$ 12.99

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The floral coat-of-arms emblem of Florence, Iris can be found growing abundantly in the Tuscan countryside. It is a flower that transmits positive vibrations and is perfect to offer in the case of imminent changes or good news, or to wish someone who is about to take an important step good luck. Dei Colli Fiorentini, From the Florentine Hills, by Nesti Dante takes you on an aromatic journey through the bloomy perfumes of the Florentine Hills for the well-being of body and spirit. Rich and romantic, these floral soaps gently cleanse, soften and smooth the skin.