Crystal Gel Wellness Remedy 0.17 oz

$ 5.99
  • Crystal Gel Wellness Remedy 0.17 oz


Crystal Gel Wellness Remedy 0.17 oz

$ 5.99

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Malibu Crystal Gel Treatment - Malibu Crystal Gel removes Iron & Calcium, Chlorine & Copper, and prepares hair for in-salon chemical services such as highlights and hair color. The original natural wellness treatment, this must-have for elite stylists worldwide is a patented vitamin complex that naturally primes hair to provide a crystal clear canvas completely receptive to ensure brilliant services. Malibu Crystal Gel Treatment also soothes hands, helps remove medications from hair, and removes mineral discoloration. Crystal Gel Treatment Stops peroxide action following chemical services. • Crystal Gel Treatment removes Iron & Calcium • Removes Chlorine & Copper • Prepares Hair for Chemical Services • Crystal Gel Treatment Soothes Hands • Helps Remove Medications • Removes Mineral Discoloration • Crystal Gel Treatment Stops Peroxide Action Following Chemical Services