Déjà Poo Before-You-Go Toilet Spray 2 oz

$ 11.99
  • Déjà Poo Before-You-Go Toilet Spray 2 oz


Déjà Poo Before-You-Go Toilet Spray 2 oz

$ 11.99

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Boost your bathroom karma by leaving the toilet smelling better than you found it with a pure blend of white flowers and citrus essential oils.

What's Inside:

We care about your health, your toilet, and this precious world we poop in. That’s why we use NO synthetic fragrance, parabens, phthalates, aerosols, alcohol, or formaldehyde—ALL stink-fightin’ good stuff (oh, and a pinch of magic).

Assembled in USA of U.S. and foreign components.

Precautions: No parabens or phthalates. Avoid eye contact. For external use only; do not ingest. Use in well ventilated area. Keep away from children. Never tested on animals (only stinky humans).