Phytopanama Daily Balancing Shampoo 6.7 oz

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$ 26.00
  • Phytopanama Daily Balancing Shampoo 6.7 oz


Phytopanama Daily Balancing Shampoo 6.7 oz

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$ 26.00

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  • For Oily scalps. The 'perfectly clean', scalp balancing, daily shampoo. Refreshes and normalizes a scalp that's prone to oiliness. A regulating shampoo formulated with quillaja bark and juniper berry essential oil to purify the scalp and regulate excess sebum production. Scalp is normalized and gently refreshed. Hair is soft, bouncy and luminous. Apply a quarter-sized amount to wet hair. Massage through, lather, and rinse. Repeat leaving the lather on for 2 to 3 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. PHYTO recommends using 'Phytopolléine Botanical Scalp Treatment' 1x or 2x per week to help purify and normalize the scalp.