Water Works Clarifying Shampoo 8.5 oz

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$ 19.99
  • Water Works Clarifying Shampoo 8.5 oz


Water Works Clarifying Shampoo 8.5 oz

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$ 19.99

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  • Non-stripping citrus extracts target, break down and remove heavy residue build-up without depleting essential moisture and nutrients. Curls are porous, absorbent and prone to residue build-up that makes hair look and feel dull and dingy, and can even prevent curls from absorbing moisture and forming properly. Typical clarifying shampoos are too harsh for curls and can strip away moisture and nutrients. Water Works Clarifying Shampoo is a powerful chelating formula just for curls that uses non-stripping citrus extracts to cleanse and remove residue build-up without depleting essential moisture and nutrients. Curls are left clean but completely nourished and ready for styling. Begin with a nickel-size amount of shampoo. Using fingertips, gently massage through wet hair and scalp. Leave in hair for two minutes, then rinse with warm water and follow with a Ouidad conditioner. Use once weekly, or more if needed to remove residue and build-up.