Marini CelluliTx 4 oz

$ 133.00
  • Marini CelluliTx 4 oz


Marini CelluliTx 4 oz

$ 133.00

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An advanced innovation that dynamically targets the appearance of cellulite on all skin types. Jan Marini CelluliTx is an advanced cellulite treatment cream that features high-tech ingredients to help minimize the appearance of dimpling fat. It helps to reduce inflammation and enhance the fiber architecture of the skin, stimulate fat cell degradation (lipolysis) while reducing accumulation of new fat cells in the skin, increase circulation and decrease water retention, helps stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis, and helps enhance lipolysis and inhibit lipid synthesis (fat mobilization). The result is improved overall firmness and elasticity. Cellulite is more prevalent in females and affects 80-90% of adult women and 10% of adult men. Cellulite can have a significant effect on a person's quality of life – impacting confidence, activity choices, clothing and more. Cellulite is not directly related to age, weight or fitness but weight and age do increase the likelihood of occurrence. It is not uncommon for young, athletic women to also have cellulite. There are limited options to treat cellulite, and office procedures can be painful and cost many thousands of dollars per treatment.