Awake Detoxifying Conditioner 8.5 oz

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$ 28.99
  • Awake Detoxifying Conditioner 8.5 oz


Awake Detoxifying Conditioner 8.5 oz

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$ 28.99

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  • Invigorating conditioner that moisturizes the scalp. Detoxifying oils cleanse, shea butter protects the cuticle while keeping the hair in a conditioned state. Detoxifying organic oils: Cleanse and leave hair feeling refreshed. ACE vitamins: Rejuvenate the scalp and hair. Shea butter: Ultra-hydrating to provide deep condition and protects the cuticle for ease of combability. Sunflower seed: Prevents brittle hair and hair loss. Rosemary leaf: Oil an anti-bacterial that provides extreme detoxification of the scalp. Aloe leaf oil: Natural protectant and healer.