Soy Milk Body Lotion 18 oz

$ 34.99
  • Soy Milk Body Lotion 18 oz


Soy Milk Body Lotion 18 oz

$ 34.99

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A favorite amongst nutrition experts and Archipelago fans alike, soy protein makes the perfect additive for the skin! The amino acids and lipids found in this high-powered bean allow for rapid cell rehydration and regeneration – which is just what we need as we head into the winter months! Our soy lotion is blended with dried milk solids to keep skin looking and feeling soft and supple. Natural jojoba esters and other premium ingredients allow the lotion to go on smoothly and evenly, without that greasy residue or feel. The final result is a distinctive lotion that you’ll appreciate the very first time that it touches your skin. And our updated twist on the classic apothecary bottle is sure to enhance any counter top, room or bath! For best results and to seal in your body's own moisture, use daily. For the best looking skin, always apply lotion liberally right after shower or bath, reapply as needed during the day, and be sure to drink a lot of water. Milk: This award winning collection & beauty editor favorite features dried milk solids and natural proteins to gently nurture and soothe the skin, leaving it naturally soft and supple. Available in Soy & Oat protein or combination blends of the two.