Chronos Styler 1" Flat Iron-Black

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$ 329.00
  • Chronos Styler 1" Flat Iron-Black


Chronos Styler 1" Flat Iron-Black

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$ 329.00

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  • Introducing ghd chronos, 3X faster HD motion-responsive styler 1" flat iron for one stroke high-definition results that last 24 hours with no extreme heat damage.

    How To Use:

    1. Spritz a Heat Protect Spray over hair
    2. Part hair into 1 inch wide sections
    3. For a sleek, straight look: Place styler at the root and glide down the section. Use a brush for added tension and smoothness

    3a. For a wavy or curly look: Place Styler at the root, rotate 180 and glide down the section
    4. Repeat through hair